I could write a book about this one. Technology, live actors, a transatlantic journey by sea, immersive audio, haptic “buttkicker” seats. For now, I’ll just say this project has been one of the wildest of my career, which is especially appropriate given the Wild West theme of this first show. The short version is: this is an immersive, interactive dinner theatre show using virtual screens and over fifty channels of audio to create the illusion of a turn-of-the-century train dining car playing out on the lower decks of a giant cruise ship. I was brought in to create all aspects of the audio deliverables – original music, sound design, music editing, voiceover production, and immersive mix. We had fantastic partners in the acclaimed technology group Soren West who were invaluable in setting up the hardware and signal flow of the installation. I’m very grateful to them for making this train car really sing. One show down, looking forward to more original show ideas coming in the future.

Learn more about this premium dining experience: https://www.royalcaribbean.com/cruise-dining/royal-railway-utopia-station